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Amphibole Quartz-Balochistan

Amphibole Quartz-Balochistan

Regular price $55.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $55.00 USD
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Amphibole Quartz from Balochistan is a fascinating mineral specimen that combines the clarity of quartz with the unique characteristics of amphibole minerals. Here’s a detailed description:


  • Appearance: In this context, quartz is typically clear to milky white, though it may have some coloration depending on the specific minerals and inclusions present. Quartz crystals are often hexagonal prisms with well-defined faces, giving them a distinct, glassy luster.
  • Texture: The quartz can range from transparent to translucent, and its surface may be smooth or exhibit some internal cloudiness due to inclusions or growth patterns.


  • Appearance: Amphibole is a group of inosilicate minerals with a range of colors, often green, brown, or black. In quartz specimens, amphibole usually appears as needle-like or elongated crystals embedded within the quartz matrix. These amphibole crystals can be dark green, black, or sometimes brown, creating a striking contrast against the lighter quartz.
  • Texture: Amphibole crystals within quartz may be fine, needle-like inclusions or larger, more distinct crystals. They are often oriented in parallel or radiating patterns within the quartz, adding textural complexity and visual interest to the specimen.

Location - Balochistan

  • Geological Context: Balochistan, a region known for its diverse and rich mineral deposits, provides a unique geological environment that can lead to the formation of quartz with amphibole inclusions. The specific conditions in this region have facilitated the crystallization of these minerals together.
  • Visual Appeal: The combination of clear or milky quartz with the dark, often elongated amphibole crystals creates a dramatic and visually appealing contrast. The dark amphibole inclusions against the lighter quartz provide an interesting textural and color contrast.

Overall Aesthetic

  • Visual Contrast: The clear or milky quartz serves as a backdrop that highlights the dark, needle-like amphibole crystals. This contrast not only makes the amphibole inclusions stand out but also adds depth and visual complexity to the specimen.
  • Composition: Amphibole crystals within the quartz may appear as fine, elongated needles or more substantial, well-formed crystals. Their orientation and distribution within the quartz can vary, creating unique patterns and enhancing the specimen's overall aesthetic appeal.

In summary, amphibole quartz from Balochistan is a distinctive mineral specimen featuring clear or milky quartz with striking dark amphibole inclusions. The interplay of the light quartz and the dark, needle-like amphibole crystals creates a visually captivating effect, making this specimen a notable example of mineralogical beauty and complexity.

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